401kWire.com2011 401kWire 300 Most Influential DC Advisors
The 401kWire's 2011 300 Most Influential DC Advisors
Below are listed The 401kWire's 300 Most Influential Advisors in Defined Contribution for 2011. We honored all of the 300 Most Influential DC Advisors
on December 9, 2010 at the Awards at 401kExchange's DCPI Conference at the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida.
The list is based on almost 3,000 nominations from the industry and our editorial staff. The final list was selected based on more than 120,000 reader votes as
well as input from last year's Top 40 Advisors and from distributors working with the advisors, and an analysis of objective criteria including statistics about
the advisors' practices gathered directly from the nominees.
From this list, we have now revealed the Top 60 Advisors, who are all finalists for the four Top Advisor awards (one in each of four market segments).
(To see the list of the Top 60 Advisors, click here.) The 401kWire will honor the
Top 60 Advisors and reveal the four top advisors at The 401kWire Influencers' Summit: See 2020 on March 8, 2011 at the Mandarin Oriental in
Las Vegas.
For questions or comments about the list, please call Neil Anderson at 212-331-8995 or send an e-mail to "neil" at "investmentwires.com."
- Jason Adamic
- H. Brian Adcock
- David Altimont
- Mikael Anderson
- Gregg Andonian
- Robert Andrew
- Bob Auditore
- Beryl Ball
- Robert Banas
- John Barry
- Joe Bartnicki
- Pam Basse
- Laura Battle
- Darin Beeghley
- Spencer Betts
- John Biondo
- Glenn Blachman
- Tim Black
- David Boucher
- Steven Brace
- Trisha Brambley
- Linda Bright
- David Brisnehan
- Kevin Broderick
- Mike Brown
- Stephen Brown
- Joe Brummel
- Trent Bryson
- Darren Burke
- Kevin Butler
- William Byron
- Dorann Cafaro
- JD Carlson
- Karen Casillas
- Andres Castano
- Michael Castner
- Ken Catanella
- John Cate
- Richard Cawthorne, Jr.
- Steff Chalk
- Jason Chepenik
- Daniel Chillemi
- Kevin Cicci
- Peter Ciovacco
- Thomas Clark
- Richard Clouse, Jr.
- Dean Clune
- Michael Coelho
- Joe Connell
- Chris Connolly
- Luciano Costantini
- Anthony Cristiano
- Jeffrey Cullen
- John Cunningham
- Sandra Cunningham
- Paul D'Aiutolo
- Mark Davis
- Larry Deatherage
- John Decker
- Andrew DeGroat
- Barbara Delaney
- Joseph DeNoyior
- Paul Denu
- Craig Dewey
- Steven Dimitriou
- Robert Dion
- Domenic DiPiero, III
- Keith Dressel
- Devyn Duex
- Edward Dunphy
- Claude Edmonds
- Mark Eidlin
- Charles Epstein
- Paul Escobar
- Scott Everhart
- Mike Falcone
- Don Faller
- Mark Faulds
- Brendan Feitelberg
- Kevin Fieldman
- Gregg Fine
- Phil Fiore
- Rita Fiumara
- Bob Foster
- Matthew Fox
- Tony Franchimone
- Michelle Fuller
- Stephanie Gallegos
- Ryan Gardner
- Neil Garrett
- Jordan Gelb
- Scott George
- Sean Gibbons
- Al Gilbert
- Anthony Girellini
- Steven Glasgow
- Robert Goldstein
- Michael Goss
- Michael Gouldin
- Keith Gredys
- Jamie Greenleaf
- Dennis Griggs
- Trent Grinkmeyer
- Ethan Grodofsky
- Paul Grutzner
- Bruce Gsell
- Matthew Gulseth
- Austin Gwilliam
- Chris Hacker
- Jim Hageney
- Aaron Hagwood
- Al Hammond
- Troy Hammond
- Gary Handler
- Dave Harris
- Brian Heckert
- William Heestand
- Clint Heine
- Brian Heinke
- Brett Henderson
- Paula Hendrickson
- Stace Hilbrant
- David Hinderstein
- Steven Hocking
- Brett Hoffman
- Lee Hoffman
- John Hohman
- Edd Holder
- Todd Hoppock
- Guy Horner
- Dennis Horr
- Piers Hurley
- Matthew Hutcheson
- Doug Igel
- Andrew Jackel
- Kurt Jackson
- Tim Jenkins
- Todd Jones
- Gary Josephs
- James Josephson
- Lisa Jungers
- Jane Arambel Kadillak
- Elliot Kallen
- Chris Karam
- Larry Karle
- Jonathan Kass
- Steven Kaye
- Allison Kaylor
- John Kellar
- Stephen Kelliher
- Kathleen Kelly
- Linda Kerschner
- Douglas Kincart
- Jerry King
- Sean King
- Todd Kleinfeld
- Craig Knutilla
- Michael Kozemchak
- David Kulchar
- Steven LaBanca
- C. Todd Lacey
- Ellen Lander
- Brad Larsen
- Chad Larsen
- Veronica Lee
- Mario Lepore II
- Dave Liebrock
- John Livingston
- Todd Lohman
- Justin Loonie
- Edward Lynch Jr.
- Roger Machlin
- Grant Macuba
- Anthony Madera
- Kevin Mahoney
- Paul Massey
- Daniel McCarthy
- James McDonald
- Jason McDonald
- Lee McGroarty
- Michael McGuire
- Joseph Mclaughlin
- Matt Mclaughlin
- Danford Meischen
- Geoff Mettler
- Larry Mills
- Adam Miloro
- Garry Mize
- William (Michael) Montgomery
- David Morehead
- Mike Morris
- Vincent Morris
- John Mott
- Dan Mulheran
- Graham Murray
- Jonathan Murray
- Paul Murray
- Marshall Myers
- Neil Netoskie
- Tom Noble
- John O'Neill
- James O'Shaughnessy
- Julie Otermat
- Al Otto
- John K. Palladino
- Rocco Papandrea
- Stuart Paris
- Craig Pastolove
- Karen Paulson
- William Peragine III
- Bud Pernoll
- John Peters
- Jeffrey Petrone
- Alan Pfeffer
- Peter Philipp
- Dan Piazza
- John Pickett
- Fred Pieracci
- Stephen Popper
- Kyle Posvistak
- Paul Powell
- Andrew H Prevost
- Douglas Prince
- Charles Privitera
- Boyer Proffitt
- Steven Puckett
- James Radler
- Patrick Reisinger
- Mike Rennels
- Timothy Rice
- Richard A. Robb
- Michael Roberts
- James D. Robison
- Blair Rogers
- James E. 'Jim' Rowley
- Christopher Rowlins
- Tom Ruggie
- Jim Sampson
- Jim Scheinberg
- Richard Schwamb
- John Scott
- Joel Shapiro
- Jill Shea
- Michael Shearon
- Mark Shepherd
- Brett Shofner
- Peter Showler
- Ben Smith
- Eric Smith
- Jason Smith
- Kenneth Smith
- Michael Smyth
- Kelley Snook
- Rich Sotell
- John Spach
- Philip Steele
- Roger Stephens
- Brude Stoever
- David Stofer
- Kendall Storch
- C. Scott Sutcliff
- Erik Tappin
- Alan Tedeschi
- Mark Temple
- James Scott Tomoda
- Nathan Trotman
- Peter Tsukazaki
- Michael Tuell
- Ken Ulrich
- Arch Underwood
- Jon Upham
- Brannan Vaughan
- Christopher Venuti
- Roger Vierra
- Michael Viljak
- Edward Wagner
- Peter Wang
- Brian Ward
- Julie Ward
- Sean Waters
- Rick Wedge
- John Welch
- Gerald Wernette
- Mark Wetzel
- Peggy Whitmore
- Brian Whitney
- John Wilcox
- Chad Wilkinson
- Charles Williams
- Andrew Wilshinsky
- Steve Wilt
- Noel Wolfe
- Mike Woods
- Jamie Worrell
- Mike Woytowich
- Steve Wylam
- Ron York
- T. Henry Yoshida
- Limei Yu
- Marc Zimmerman