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The 401kWire.com
14 Wall Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Published by
40 Wall Street
28th Floor
New York, NY 10005

401kWire FAQ

Since our first story hit "The Wire" on January 6, 1998, the 401kWire.com has been the first place defined contribution industry insiders have turned to learn the what they need to know to make the right strategic decisions for their company and themselves.

Each day, the 401kWire reporters dig out the latest on what is happening in the industry. Our scoops include:

  • Deals: Who is buying who and who is for sale.
  • People: Who is in, who is out and who is influential.
  • RFPs: Which plan sponsors are changing providers and why.
  • Advisors: What products they like, which they don't and why.
  • Rules & Regs: What are Congress, EBSA and other regulators doing.
  • Products: Which are selling and which are coming next.

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401kWire FAQ

Who we are
Since its first issue in 1998, The 401kWire has been published by InvestmentWires, Inc., a Manhattan-based, privately-held publishers of news services geared to insiders on Wall Street and the asset management industry. Our other publication is the MutualFundWire.com.

Who reads 401kWire?
The 401kWire is read by employees of the nation's major recordkeeping, asset management, trust and custody firms as well as retirement advisors, plan sponsors, strategic and industry consultants. Our readers typically are leaders in their company and have the titles of vice president, senior vice president, managing director, partner and CEO, among others.

How to subscribe
401kWire is available to paid subscribers only. To see if your firm has arranged for a license please call Veronica Guzman at 212-331-8999 or email us at "sales at investmentwires.com"

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